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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Boston Music Awards...

This year, the 21st Boston Music Awards (BMAs) were held on Sunday, December 7th. They did it a bit differently this year where it was invite/industry only with a few VIP tickets available for purchase.

New Kids On The Block were up for National Act of The Year. I have gone to the award show several times back in the 90s but stopped going when I didn't necessarily have a vested interest. While I do enjoy the thought of supporting local music, there just happened to be nothing that interested me personally.

I did not attend this year as I am being responsible and not spending money on another "show". Not because I'm a 'grown - up', but because I'm saving up for shows next year!

Anyway, I digress...

I'm happy to report that New Kids won their award! How exciting - I'm quite proud of what they achieved when so many said this was a cheesy marketing ploy - "to all you non-believers I say 'peace', you suckers"... (sorry I felt a specific song lyric was appropriate)

Some articles about the show:
Boston Herald & Boston Globe

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Woo hoo! What a great acknowledgement.