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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blue Bloods...

Donnie Wahlberg stars in a new tv show with Tom Selleck this fall. I'm so excited to be able to watch him on tv weekly again! And he plays a cop, again! He plays cops very well.

There was an article about him & his acting that I thought was great showing how he's grown!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One Year Ago...

A year ago this week, I was in Donnie-heaven. First we were able to greet him at the airport where he was super sweet.

And then we went to visit him at his trailer on the set of Zookeeper. Again, he was incredibly sweet & funny!

Donnie Wahlberg,NKOTB,Facetime
He was so incredibly sweet and wouldn't let go, & kept giving me hugs. He told me he loved he whispered in my ear.
Donnie Wahlberg,NKOTB,Facetime

Donnie Wahlberg,NKOTB,Facetime
That's right - Donnie's sunglasses & headphones while in his move trailer, Boston - September 2010
Donnie Wahlberg,NKOTB,Facetime

Donnie Wahlberg,NKOTB,Facetime